The Blockhouse, El Alamein, Egypt

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Somewhere along the railway line, west of El Alamein, Egypt, stands an unremarkable, low concrete building. There are many of these old railway workers' huts, in various stages of ruin, stretched out along the line. However this particular place was the scene of an extraordinary occurrence in 1942, when compassion and humanity prevailed over war's chaos and carnage.

I have posted more photos and information about 'The Blockhouse' here

This one.JPG
Thanks for that link, my Dad was a MO in the North African campaign, though I think he had left just before Alamein. Undoubtably he would have passed this spot on the to & fro campaigns of earlier days. This sort of thing is always of interest to me. I'd love to have a shufti around this area.
Thanks for that link, my Dad was a MO in the North African campaign, though I think he had left just before Alamein. Undoubtably he would have passed this spot on the to & fro campaigns of earlier days. This sort of thing is always of interest to me. I'd love to have a shufti around this area.
"I'd love to have a shufti around this area."

I haven't heard that word in 30 years. My first wife was married to a US Army soldier who was the military attache in Beirut. She frequently came up with Arabic expressions like that.;)
Thanks for that link, my Dad was a MO in the North African campaign, though I think he had left just before Alamein. Undoubtably he would have passed this spot on the to & fro campaigns of earlier days. This sort of thing is always of interest to me. I'd love to have a shufti around this area.
Hello Steve, you're welcome I'm glad you found it of interest. I hope you get a chance to visit the area
"I'd love to have a shufti around this area."

I haven't heard that word in 30 years. My first wife was married to a US Army soldier who was the military attache in Beirut. She frequently came up with Arabic expressions like that.;)
Unsurprisingly, my Dad had quite a lexicon of Arabic terms, as did most returned servicemen from the North African campaign. The ones I most remember were Shufti ( to see) Imshi( Go away ) & shwaya shwaya( slowly slowly, often used in the sense of keep it down when his kids were being unruly, the others of course, not yours truly. ;) ) I'm sure there were others but aged brain cells can only recall those just now.
Unsurprisingly, my Dad had quite a lexicon of Arabic terms, as did most returned servicemen from the North African campaign. The ones I most remember were Shufti ( to see) Imshi( Go away ) & shwaya shwaya( slowly slowly, often used in the sense of keep it down when his kids were being unruly, the others of course, not yours truly. ;) ) I'm sure there were others but aged brain cells can only recall those just now.
Haha! That's great Steve! Lovely memories of your Dad no doubt
A few more that have stuck in my mind from childhood in Egypt.
Yallah (come on), mushkila (something missing), humdullah (praise be to God). There is also the common used words in today's society such as Chai (tea), sukkar (sugar) and haleeb (milk). I remember tea always being served scalding hot in a tall glass or if you wanted the very sweet naenae (mint) tea which I love, this came without milk in a small handled glass with the sugar still sitting in the bottom. :D
A few more that have stuck in my mind from childhood in Egypt.
Yallah (come on), mushkila (something missing), humdullah (praise be to God). There is also the common used words in today's society such as Chai (tea), sukkar (sugar) and haleeb (milk). I remember tea always being served scalding hot in a tall glass or if you wanted the very sweet naenae (mint) tea which I love, this came without milk in a small handled glass with the sugar still sitting in the bottom. :D
Great memories Vic! I was in Jordan a couple of years ago and was served a lot of scalding hot tea in the small handled glass. I think it was the sweetest beverage that it is possible to make!!

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