The Greatest Fighter Pilot in WW II???

The Best Ace???

  • Ivan Kozhedub

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Erich Hartmann

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Constantine Cantacuzine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Richard Bong

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The hardest part is the hovering thing.

it's laughably simple to put a harrier into hover, there's a rather large lever next to the throttle, simply give yourself a bit more throttle (at the temperatures encountered in the falklands they sometimes needed full throtle just to hover), and to hover simply push one lever and it'll move all the nozzels together.............
When I was your age instead of going to the pool on weekends I went to work with my dad so that I could sit in the helicopters and pretend I was flying. Dont let peers get you down, they just dont know what its like to dream of flying through the sky like an eagle and feeling so free. There is no feeling better except maybe good sex.
Even thouhg I also like planes being only 15 I do think its a bit weird...but Im still more of a car fanatic than a plane fanatic and I hide my "knowledge" well (mainly cos I dont have any ) 8)
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