Twin Wasp S3C4-G Aircraft Performance

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Tech Sergeant
Jan 31, 2009
Does anyone have a speed / altitude graph of an aircraft powered by the above engine?

I have a couple of truncated ones from a Hudson, Martlet, and Beaufort -- but they all look 'wrong'.

I was wondering if there were others out there I could use for cross-reference.

Hey Greyman,

May I ask what you mean by wrong?

You probably know most of this already, but in case you do not. The S3C4-G series came with different power&altitude ratings depending on the Mark of the engine, the time period, the carburettor fitted, and the grade of fuel they were rated on.

The late-war -90 was cleared for 2700 rpm in high S/C gear with 100/130 grade fuel (1000 BHP at 14,000 ft) vs the early-war -33 which was only cleared for 2550 rpm (1000 BHP at 12,500 ft). So the altitudes at which max speed is achieved could be very different depending on when the test/chart was made.

S3C4-G series
S3C4-G civil model

S3C4-G civil model
G36B Martlet Mk II
Beaufort Mk II
Hudson Mk V

Liberator LB-30/30A/30B
Liberator GR Mk I
Liberator Mk II

Liberator LB-30
Liberator Mk III

Martlet Mk II
Wildcat Mk II
F4F-3A Martlet Mk III

Beaufort Mk II
Wellington Mk IV
Sunderland Mk V

OA-10 Catalina
OA-10A (PBV-1A) Catalina
C-47B, R4D-6/-7

1. Some aircraft had their engines switched - usually a -92 series single-speed in place of the -90 series 2-speed. The US built OV-10 (PBY-5A), Vickers of Canada built OV-10A, and quite a number of the C-47/R4D models, in particular.
2. The R-1830-67 used in the PBO-1/RA-28 Hudson was not a S3C4-G series engine. It was in effect a T3C4-G engine without the Turbocharger and using the Low S/C gear ratio of the S3C4-G series, without any High S/C gear. As far as I can find only the Hudson Mk V used a S3C4-G series engine.

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