Typhoon trumps F-15s

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I should bluddy-well hope the Typhoon would dominate - the F-15 design is as old as the commander of the Spanish Typhoon squadron. After all the money that's been spent on "Eurofighter" it had better be among the best of the best!

That said, I recall once a formation of Tornado F3s totally waxing a formation of F-15s simply by use of information and irregular tactics...
Quite honestly, I dont know which one would be superior. I dont know too much about both planes, but from what I do hear they would most likely be about the same (probably with stealth going to the F-22). It would be a intresting match up none the less.
That said, I recall once a formation of Tornado F3s totally waxing a formation of F-15s simply by use of information and irregular tactics...

Definitely a lesson in there for the USAF. They've managed to control the tempo of engagements over the last several engagements. Thinking specifically of Iraq. Success makes people lethargic. Maybe that the Tornados worked that advantage and slapped the F15s around a bit.

Typhoon is a good bird and oughta take the F15. At least using the methodologies the Eagle is used to. Now, they'll have to work it to get successes. Good. Better to work through the problem now than to end up dead later.
Congratulations to the Eurofighter team!

The F15 airframe is from the '70's...

Maybe the should compete against the F-86 next..
As good as the Typhoon is
the Raptor is clearly better; from his perspective, the Typhoon belongs to the previous generation. The Typhoon's got to see the Raptor before the Raptor sees him and that's always going to be the tricky bit.
All this would prove is the electronics (radar, weapons systems, etc) are better in the Typhoon than the F-15? Would that be correct?

When was the last time in modern combat when a dogfight actually took place?
All this would prove is the electronics (radar, weapons systems, etc) are better in the Typhoon than the F-15? Would that be correct?

And stealth capabilities... Eeven though the F-15 may have up-to-date avionics, it still is at a huge disadvantage. Even if it's aviaonics were better, the Typhoon would still be more difficult to paint.

This is a non-story.. it would be worth publishing if the F-15s would have came out on top.

its a nonsense feel good story for the European home front.

News Flash! Abrams M1 tank bests German Panther Tank
Sorry, but as long as the F-15 is an active aircraft with several air forces the comparison is completely valid.
Sorry, but as long as the F-15 is an active aircraft with several air forces the comparison is completely valid.

The exercise is extremely valid. Both sides gained invaluable information and it will help convince congress to buy more F-35's and F-22's

Its the handling of story that i find ludicrous. You'd have to be really desperate to find a source of pride if "trumping" a plane that entered service 40 years ago makes you proud. The story doesn't even mention that..

I Imagine the Typhoon pilots keep in in perspective.

Mr. F22 would like to meet them.

The F-22 went up against the Rafale and Typhoon for the first time at the recent Dubai show. I've been looking for weeks for a report on the outcome, but nobody is telling.
The F-22 went up against the Rafale and Typhoon for the first time at the recent Dubai show. I've been looking for weeks for a report on the outcome, but nobody is telling.
If it was an airshow
then one would suspect that both the Rafale and the Typhoon drivers knew the Raptor was there

If they're saying "yeah, we know that" and it's just a knife-fight laid on for prospective buyers, that would be interesting.
That was interesting, I wouldn't mind hearing the other guys perspective also. I just Loved the way the Spanish pilot thumped his chest over the "victories" over the F-15s. Still think its valid flying against newer planes especially to see what kind of new tactics you need to develope against newer foes.

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