US .50cal ammo feed ?? found on a beach in Vanuatu

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Sep 16, 2010
Queensland Australia
walking along Million dollar point in Santos, Vanuatu after a cyclone and picked up this , couldn't believe the condition for sitting on a beach for 70 years, just trying to figure out what type of US aircraft it went in , had it vapor blasted and sadly no production codes. any help ??

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Hey Kiwiwreckdiver,

Sorry, but no, I do not have any way to supply part numbers. Although I should stress that it reminds me of the pre-flexible chute F4U installation. The length, orientation and size of the cut-out, and the 2x tabs (see below) are similar to those in the image that mjfur posted. IIRC they were tack and spot welded steel with a Parkerized finish. Is your piece made of steel?

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