Senior Master Sergeant
Two other points.
The Japanese engine oils were similar in quality to the other nations.
The RN/FAA did not drain the oil out of their aircraft when stowing them below (I know you were being sarcastic Admiral Beez, but others may not). They did, however, normally drain the aviation fuel from the aircraft when stowing them below. This was done to prevent/reduce the chance of fires in the hangar. This also prevented the warm-up of engines in the hangar.
The Japanese engine oils were similar in quality to the other nations.
The RN/FAA did not drain the oil out of their aircraft when stowing them below (I know you were being sarcastic Admiral Beez, but others may not). They did, however, normally drain the aviation fuel from the aircraft when stowing them below. This was done to prevent/reduce the chance of fires in the hangar. This also prevented the warm-up of engines in the hangar.