Westland Wyvern trainer 38 T.Mk.3

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Senior Airman
Feb 20, 2009
Arezzo, Italy
For a research I'm conducting on aircrafts with contrarotating props I would appreciate very much if somebody could let me have a pic or image of subject aircraft, i.e. a Westland Wyvern 38 TMk3 trainer.
I understand only one was built with registration number VZ/739.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Its not great Carson but here is the one I have;

I notice your list includes the Wyvern TF.1 and S.4. There was also a Wyvern TF.2 which flew with a contra prop as well as the T.3.

Well, bugger me if I didn't go and find another one! This is one of those 'official' jobs with the background removed to keep the location secret and was taken before the first flight.

If I might be ever so slightly pedantic Carson its not 'Wyvern 38' but either Westland W.38 or Wyvern T.3. #

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I didn't expect so much Waynos (2 pics not just one) in such a short time...
Thanks a million
You're welcome Carson. I also have a drawing of the proposed S.5 but it didn't proceed far enough for your purposes. Did you know there was also a proposed 'Jet Wyvern' but of course that didn't have a contra prop at all.

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