What if: USA (and allies) places embargo on Soviet Union for Holodomor?

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...As many of these people were also Jewish, next we'll be hearing that they were all part of an international Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. Wait a minute, where have I heard that before?


Well, it depends on which blog a person reads...

Some say the Jews control the world, but then others say it's the Illuminati.

Perhaps I should start a blog and say the Illuminati is actually Jewish...bet that would stir up a hornet's nest!!
Perhaps I should start a blog and say the Illuminati is actually Jewish...bet that would stir up a hornet's nest!!

If you could work in our Royal family in fact being lizards from another world, adopting a human disguise, I might believe you



Ah, yes, the renown trio of benefactors to humanity: Hitler, Mussolini and Quisling.

It is to commend Hitler's efforts that he managed, between creation of Nuernberng laws, drawing out Long Knives in suitable nights, writing Mein Kampf and creation of camps of joy and education, to express his concern for people in Soviet Union, the people that some less-informed Germans might sometimes think of sub-human. He went out to sign a pact with Stalin (with a proviso of splitting a country of another, someone might call, sub humans) so he might be closer to bring food and justice for people between Baltic and Caspian seas. He even tried to do so, with help of German army, but that somehow didn't pan out. Luckily he did not trade with Stalin pre-war, or I've got that wrong.
Mussolini was so much worried about suffering Slavs (and another people) in early 1920s, so much that he banned all 'silly-sounding Slavic names' in Istria,while forcing them to use Italian names whether they liked it or not. For the die-hards, the concentration camps or internment camps were always available (yes, in 1930s). Mussolini tried to undermine Soviet war-waging capability, by selling them plans for cruisers.
Stating Quisling as an almost-saint is not unlike the strive during last 25 years of trying to rehabilitate Axis collaborators in what was once been Yugoslavia.

It is almost as if Sigfried is un-banned, you know the chap that claimed that Hitler's bunch were hard working and right-minded people, or something alng these lines.
If you could work in our Royal family in fact being lizards from another world, adopting a human disguise, I might believe you


Well, you know it's said that Putin believes in the alien lizard people and is in contact with them. If this is true, then perhaps that explains a few things.

As far as Socialism/Fascism/Communism etc... It's really sad that in this day and age, the very distinct lines between these ideologies have become blurred, as they are very different "isms" and shouldn't be confused.

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