What is old is new again

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Senior Airman
May 27, 2008
This seems to be the new norm these days, case in point electric cars, and there are many unrelated things as well. I just saw news about a new electric plane that should be
in service in a few years. With all this concern about burning petro based fuels, I for see piston engines burning something other than petro based fuels as the aviation engine of the future. And most likely the planes, just like the new electric plane, will have to be reduced in size as well. Which is better when crashes happen as there is less loss of life.
This seems to be the new norm these days, case in point electric cars, and there are many unrelated things as well. I just saw news about a new electric plane that should be
in service in a few years.

The Slovenian electric Pipistrel is from 2015:
Tested also 'down under'

Today, training of new pilots is very expecsive, not just due to the fuel needed. Electric aircraft might cut the price a lot.
As for the future of passenger A/C - who knows? We might see a combination of battery- and fuel-cell-powered electro motor, with jet engine as a 'climbing engine'/backup in bigger aircraft, along with aircraft skin clad in solar panels, perhaps even some mix between dirigables and usual aircraft. Cars that combine solar panels and batteries should be around the corner for people to actually buy, like this one, designed in Germany, to be manufactured in former SAAB location at Trolhattan, Sweden:

Solar Impulse 2 flew around the world: link
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