What music are you listening to.....continued

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Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell and Scott Weiland are all awesome live! Cornell is a big edgy, he does have his bad days sometimes but at Manchester when I saw him - he was awesome, much better than on the albums.

Renegades of Funk - Rage Against the Machine

...you're listening to Soundgarden? I see we've introduced you to decent music then.
Not a lot of people in Britain like it 'cos they're all scum and don't have a clue. Here's some other bands you might like, if you like Soundgarden:

Audioslave, Temple of the Dog, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Wallflowers, Our Lady Peace, Live, Stone Temple Pilots, Screaming Trees...
If you PM me your e-mail address, I could send you a few since I have 'em ALL!
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