What Music are you listening to .... continued

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Yeah I absolutly can not stand it. I went and saw Metallica in Ireland and Linkin Park opened up for them. (I hate Linkin Park, they are a boy band with guitars). Well anyways there were all these little 15 year olds running around (no offense to any 15 years olds here) wearing there boy band shirts and when Metallica came on and they were playing hits from my youth such as Master of Puppets and Harvestor of Sorrow these kids were acting like they were fans along when actually the first album they heard from was ReLoad. I have no problem with kids today that truely love the music but these kids were just posers. They looked like preps and were just likeing it because it was cool! I hate it. I hate it. I hate it!

Anhow I am off of my soapbox now.

By the way I am listening to Jump in the Fire - Metallica
I hate it too. I'm 18, so I was only like 3 when Pearl Jam and such started. Soundgarden started in 1984, so I wasn't even born but ANYWAY...I hate it when all the trendy fucks start saying Audioslave is cool, Cornell is cool...and then they listen to dump shit like Linkin Park...and you mention Soundgarden...and 'cos they're turds they don't know who they are AFTER saying Cornell was amazing.

What also annoys me is the ones that say Nirvana were the gods of grunge...NO THEY WEREN'T! They weren't even good compared to Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins or Alice in Chains...and Soundgarden, Green River, Mother Love Bone and Mudhoney were like the GRUNGE creators...oh, Pixies HAS to be in there somewhere too...

Anywho...Head Creeps - Alice in Chains
Well, it's every the same. I grew up on Czech Hip Hop, which is absolutely different then US or UK one because it turned out from completely different social-economical basis (much based on graffiti). It's more about thinking (for clever people). Unfortunately these 12+ boys and girls, wearing side-turned caps, jerseys bigger than themselves, golden chains, skateboard shoes (absolutely most I hate these sweat armbands on their skinny hands), girls fancy (best violette) skirts, etc. came and started to "be cool" by wawing with their hands on rhymes they even don't understand...

As you guys say - no problems with kids but these posers destroyed the Czech/Slovak scene so much that everything now costs more, musically active people produce crap and the shops sell bullshit...

In other words, the hiphop scene (or at least the part of - thankgod there are still some very, very good artists) turned from underground to pure commerce. But that is a schizm that probably affects every underground circle after some time.

Just my two cents.


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