What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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I forget the exact designation but the He- Something Grief had a remarkably bad reputation as a flying coffin, so did one of the allied seaplanes. There was one that was nicknamed the flying gascan because of its habit of exploding in midair. The He- Something Grief was not a really good aircraft. Hope this helps in your quest.
You're right, The He-177 Greif was pretty bad It was the Axis' first real heavy bomber and it followed much the same layout as the similarly ill-fated Avro Manchester, which instead of having 4 engines, they had 2 conjoined engines on each wing. I've read sources as well that they tried to use the Grief as a Dive-Bomber

By the way, welcome to the site
Hell yeah. 3,400 miles range, 304mph top speed, 13,200lb payload...

Didnt work out though did it

I would also lay claim to it being the best looking bomber of the war...
i like the B-24 because it looks big mean and beefy, and i also can't stand the fact that the B-17's a low wing, it doesn't look right.....................

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