Is that a true story Kiwi or are you pulling my leg?
You missed out the part where the Condor turned on the fleet and sank three ships!
If that story is true its very interesting...and the story about the medals sounds interesting tell... 8)
Thanks for not laughing at my post
Thats an interesting question you ask and i'm not sure of the answer myself...sometimes the reason why certain planes in an airforce (lets use the RAF as an example) are considerably slower than others is that they are older and they were fitted with the best engines available at the time and when they became obsolete, they were still useful and kept on - so newer planes with newer engines could outrun them.
However it is true to say that economics came into the equation....planes were commisioned by the gov after specs were drawn up by independant companies (De Havilland, Supermarine, Hawker, Avro etc...) at the request of the government - for example when the idea for the De Havilland Mosquito was put forward to the British Gov they laughed at the mere suggestion of a wooden aircraft in that day and age - though ironically it turned into the most useful aircraft the RAF posessed during the entire war! (IMO anyway... 8) )
Some campanies had more money and resources than others so they couldn't nessasarily afford the latest engine...but just because an aircraft is slow doesn't mean its no good - the Gloster Gladiator is one of my fav fighters from WW2 and its top speed was only 257mph!
You're also right in saying that the weight plays a vital role too - in fact the main reason the Roc and Defiant were so slow was the very heavy turret fitted onto the plane (from a Handley Page Halifax bomber
) it is on record that apparently the Defiant fighter prototype flew and handled extremely well with a respectable top speed - until the bulky turret was fitted and then its performance was less impressive...
A smaller, more streamlined ball Turret armed with only two .303 machine guns (with a very small, light, bloke sitting inside
) would weigh considerably less than its predessesor and perhaps a stronger engine would be able to pull it faster - fixed machine guns would add to the overall weight but i can't help but feel perhaps it still would have been more sucessful than the original designs...but as you say hindsight is a wonderful thing and it really doesn't matter now anyway...still, at least it made for an interesting topic 8)