What’s the largest possible single cylinder IC aircraft engine?

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
Looking at this motor FG-40 4-Stroke Gas Single Cylinder Engine - SAITO got me thinking, how big can you make a single cylinder internal combustion aircraft engine? I assume vibration and weight to power ratios would soon hit a wall.

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Admiral Beez,

How big can you make it, or how big should you make it? Just about anything can be made to work if you have the time and the money and you are determined. At what point should you go to multiple cylinders.

Look up The Beast of Turin. Four cylinders. 28.4litres.
I've seen old tractors with monster single cylinder engines e.g., Lanz Bulldog - Wikipedia. As for aviation engines, Beardmore built some engines with gigantic cylinders Beardmore Cyclone, Typhoon, and Simoon Aircraft Engines These typically had a 8.625 in bore and 12 inch stroke. According to the article, the aim was to get high power at low RPM so as to avoid the need for a reduction gear. Later, during WW 2, Studebaker worked on the XH-9350, but only got as far as building single cylinder test engines with bores up to 8 in.
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