Who recognizes this aircraft?

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Mar 7, 2021
Hello everyone,

I'm a newbie on this forum. I'm trying to identify the type of aircraft partially visible on this picture. Does anyone have the answer? I've already checked a few possibilities: it's not a Dauntless, a Devastator, a Hellcat, a Helldiver, and even less a Corsair. What's left? Now it's up to the experts. ;)

Thanks for your help.

I confirm. It's a single engine.
I think you're having a hard time figuring out what it is because you're assuming it's a single engine aircraft.
It's a twin, maybe a B-23.
Another clue also, was the installation date on the propblade of 1939. It had me thinking P-36 but the wing was too high.
From the propeller list document floating around the forum. It could be a RO-47, based on propeller model 3E50, and blade model 6111A-6, and blade angles marked on the blades.
The AT-6 had the Pitot tube at the wing tip.
The plane in the posted pic has it between the landing light and three small holes in the mid of the wing.

Here is a good view at the wing part of the O-47.



Pic source: North American O-47
I am curious how much design/engineering crossover there may be with a NA T-6. I gotta be honest, sort of looks like a pregnant guppy. Makes we want to rub its belly.

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