1st Lieutenant
One of my high school teachers was a USN aviator in WWII and before.
He said that after WWII they were selling surplus USN airplanes at Corpus Christi. The airplanes were all out on the ramp and one guy said he wanted to bid on just the survival kits. Everyone else wanted to buy the airplanes for flying purposes or for scrap or to get the engines and he won with a low bid.
The other bidders then realized that the survival kits had a large, nice inflatable raft that probably would be of great interest to hunters and fishermen and figured the guy probably owned a sporting goods store. No one else had thought of that as a business opportunity and they had to admit the guy had gotten a good deal .
But then the winning bidder went down the row of airplanes, pulled the survival kits out, opened them, removed the tubes of morphine, and left the life raft and rest of the kit right there on the ramp.
"Holy cow! The guy is a drug dealer! Grab him!"
If he had just walked off with the whole survival kits no one would have been the wiser, but I guess he would have needed a sizeable truck to carry them.
He said that after WWII they were selling surplus USN airplanes at Corpus Christi. The airplanes were all out on the ramp and one guy said he wanted to bid on just the survival kits. Everyone else wanted to buy the airplanes for flying purposes or for scrap or to get the engines and he won with a low bid.
The other bidders then realized that the survival kits had a large, nice inflatable raft that probably would be of great interest to hunters and fishermen and figured the guy probably owned a sporting goods store. No one else had thought of that as a business opportunity and they had to admit the guy had gotten a good deal .
But then the winning bidder went down the row of airplanes, pulled the survival kits out, opened them, removed the tubes of morphine, and left the life raft and rest of the kit right there on the ramp.
"Holy cow! The guy is a drug dealer! Grab him!"
If he had just walked off with the whole survival kits no one would have been the wiser, but I guess he would have needed a sizeable truck to carry them.