When it comes to being a crew chief in a B-17 group/squad, what exact role does he play as far as how many B-17's are assigned to him and that he is responsible for as in repairing it after a mission, how many men work under him and whats the chain of command starting with him and going above ? Ive never really understood whenever these guys where stationed somewhere how it worked for them because of all the books ive read and movies i have watched none of them really covered that part, it was always about the pilot's and their air crew. im going to go out on a limb here and assume from all my knowledge so far that each crew chief (maybe a T.sgt ?) had 1 B-17 assigned to him and him only. as soon as it came back from mission he would discuss directly with the pilot about what damage had been done and what needs fixed and then him and 2-3 other men assigned to him (cpl's and prvt's) would get the fixing done. im also going to assume that above the crew chief was another srgt, staff or 1st or maybe even a 1st lt. that was in command over all the crew chiefs and then the group/squad commander was in charge of them. i know im wayyy off somewhere along the lines here but it sure is fun taking a guess! so hopfully someone has better knowledge about this then me and can help me out here, keep in mind im asking strictly about bomber servicemen under combat conditions as i know that things may very depending what type of aircraft and situation. thanks!