XP-39 II - The Groundhog Day Thread

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But, hey, Happy Holidays all the same. Cheers. Perhaps a hot toddie or some really good eggnog will help. Or is that a really good groundhog? Almost anything can be improved by the addition of bacon. Have some. Ham even helps.

This is our Bacon and he wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

PS: His name really is Bacon.

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I'll bet he's faster than a groundhog.

He might be, but not by much. CG issues, along with over weight and not mentally armed / armored to do battle beyond our front door step. Like the P-39 he has his optimum operating window. His is looking out the glass beside the door, barking at any real or perceived intruder.

His redeeming characteristic is personality. He's a total lovebug. However, Jason from Friday the 13th, along with hockey mask and bloody dripping axe could show up at our door, and my dog would be excited beyond belief to welcome him in.
What's "Ho, ho, ho" in Russian?

If he can make an unaerodynamic Reindeer fly, bullets should be NOTHING, but this pilot might get a lump of coal in his stocking ... assuming he has an extra one to hang up, that is.
I'm confused...am I seeing a Soviet P-39 pilot diving into the heat of battle while simultaneously wondering what Santa will bring him for Christmas?

I think I need to lie down!

Njet. Not wondering but attacking and not Santa but Joulupukki flight. The incident happened before the Moscow armistice, when Finns were still at war. This historical photo reveals some interesting details. Six raindeer... I did not know that Me 323 was in the Finnish service.
I'm confused...am I seeing a Soviet P-39 pilot diving into the heat of battle while simultaneously wondering what Santa will bring him for Christmas?

I think I need to lie down!

From the square looking tip of the tail I think that may a P 63, though I'm not entirely sure it should look that square.

I'm nearly afraid to ask, but is there a P 63 expert on the forum?
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Well, if you're going to nit-pick, I should chime in about the incorrect shape of the island in the river ... I seem to recall it being more narrow than depicted ... of course, it might be due to the rectangle around the airborne target ...
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