Your idea for Bomber killing weapons in WWII

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Like Dave rightly suggests, nothing would beat the Me-262 armed with R4M rockets. Had there been enough pilots fuel to allow all Me-262 on hand to enter operation then the Allies would've been screwed.

As for the German air to surface missiles. They were very promising, but sadly for the Germans too little funding was provided for the project.

There's no doubt in my mind that if fielded they would've proven devastating to the Allied bomber streams. When incorperated with proximity fuzes, which the last types were, the Wasserfall would've been an easy weapon to hit with, and the large warhead meant that it would be capable of bringing down more than one bomber at a time.

Problem however is that the wepaon was EXPENSIVE! But then again so was most German projects.
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They could have borrowed an idea from the Russians. How about parachuting in at night over the bomber airfields. Trained dogs carrying explosives.

'cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war'

Low cost miminal rise. Possible big success. Probably better success over the the RAF bases as were a nation of pet lovers.


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