Zoom Meetup

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I would likely do that, but we might have to have someone who runs the meeting to get anything accomplished.

Yeah I think it would need some sort of structure to it. I've been in zoom chats recently with about fifteen people in and it's just chaos with people talking over each other. I think if only a few people were interested in doing it then it would be fine just to meet up and talk. But if it was more than say five people maybe we'd need some sort of structure where we can discuss certain topics or issues and each take it in turn to speak? We could make it work!
Good idea, unlucky i can't talk or understand spoken english, but i can drink a beer
Come and join the party mate! Hopefully you will follow some of the conversation! What is your first language?

For those interested, what day and time over the next week or so would work for people? I'm in the UK but happy to do this at an anti social hour (for myself) if that's better for others!

my first language is ciociaro a italian dialect, i can understand codified italian as a mother language a bit more difficult speaking it; there is an other trouble i've the beer but not a cam on the PC, actually think there is neither a speaker
Maybe we can do it in smaller groups? My experience from extensively havin meetings through WebEx is that large groups don't work.
Vincenzo, unfortunately my Italian is not really good, sorry, I can speak French, German English and Dutch, where the last two are the only ones I'm really confortable in.
I am all for this.

The problem is time zones. We are literally spread out all over the world. If you do it during the week for instance, many of us here in the US are working when those of you in Europe are off work, and many of those in Asia are sleeping. If you do it on weekends, it can still be difficult to coordinate still because of timezones, and people having family commitments.

it's not impossible, just difficult to coordinate.

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