13's.... (3 Viewers)

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MiG-3 of the 401st IAP, 1941 г.

МиГ-3 п-ка СП Супру.jpg
Sea Vixen XJ513.jpg

Sea Vixen FAW.1 XJ513
6/5/1959: Delivered to the Royal Navy.
892 NAS as "213R".
1962: 766 NAS as "710VL".
892 NAS as "211C" and "213".
766 NAS as "719VL".
4/30/1968: Withdrawn from use.
1/30/1970: Struck off charge.
Was preserved at RNAS Yeovilton, from 1/1970.
1974: Salvaged at RNAS Yeovilton.

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