MY WORLD (2 Viewers)

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Vic Balshaw Vic Balshaw We have five of these, two ejectors, the load gets push out....


and three dumpers. like a normal dump truck


They carry about 43 tons/29.7 yd³
I see those big dumps around here once and a while if I'm on a big dirt job, but not very often. Usually it's just 18 wheelers
Vic Balshaw Vic Balshaw We have five of these, two ejectors, the load gets push out....

and three dumpers. like a normal dump truck

They carry about 43 tons/29.7 yd³
Scary to mess with them!!!

I had once visited a torquise mine, in Khorasan... Dark caves, and deep vertical tunnels... However, we were only allowed to see first 25 meters of main entrance...

I still like to see different kinds of mines and collect different minerals.

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