Ar 234 landing
No. The individual letters were also of the green but the last letter of the code was different.
the Stab of the I Gruppe had the black B
the Stab of the II Gruppe had the black C
the Stab of the III Gruppe had the black D
the Stab of the IV Gruppe had the black F
the Stab of the V Gruppe had the black G
The Ar-234 had accelerators, but how long did they work?
The Ar-234 had accelerators, but how long did they work?

If you mean the HWK 109-500A-1 (Walter Ri-202) rocked-assisted take off (RATO ) units .. they were working 30s and then were jettisoned to fall the ground by parachute. The accelerator was also called Rauchgerät .

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