F/O Witor Urbanowicz was a pre-war member of the Polish Air Force, he joined No 145 Squadron on the 4th of August 1940 and shot down a Bf 110 on the 8th. He destroyed a Ju 88 on the 12th and was posted to No 303 (Polish) Squadron on the 21st. On the 15th of September 1940 he was flying Hurricane No V6684 and shot down 2 Do 17's from KG 2. Hefinished the Battle with 14 kills. F/O W.Urbanowicz was awarded VM (5th Class) on the 23rd of December 1940 and KW and three Bars on the 1st of February 1941 and the D.F.C. on the 30th of October 1941. Later in the war he was attached to the USAAF in China and downed two Japanese aircraft there, receiving the Air Medal (US) on the 25th of September 1944 and the Chinese Flying Cross.