Media added by CAVU Mark

Media comments

  • Ar 234 landing
    The Arados sent to the USA were : Werk Nummer 140148, 143011 and 140312 from III./KG 76, and 140343 from II./KG 76.

    The "Snafu I" is assiociated with the Werk Nummer 140148 while the "Jane I" with the Werk Nummer 140343 usually. But you may find the serials swapped. It means that even Amercans...
  • Ar 234 landing
    Both of them were captured by the RAF in the Sola airfield in Norway. Both were handed over to the USA for trials.
    Flown via Grove, Melun to Cherburg where these were embarked on the HMS Reaper and sent to the USA. Both were scrapped in 50'.
    The "Jane I" was Bu.Aer.No. 121445, aircraft...
  • Ar 234 landing
    Both of them were captured by the RAF in the Sola airfield in Norway. Both were handed over to the USA for trials.
    Flown via Grove, Melun to Cherburg where these were embarked on the HMS Reaper and sent to the USA. Both were scrapped in 50'.
    The "Jane I" was Bu.Aer.No. 121445, aircraft...
  • Ar 234 landing
    Both of them were captured by the RAF in the Sola airfield in Norway. Both were handed over to the USA for trials.
    Flown via Grove, Melun to Cherburg where these were embarked on the HMS Reaper and sent to the USA. Both were scrapped in 50'.
    The "Jane I" was Bu.Aer.No. 121445, aircraft no.11...
  • Ar 234 landing
    Here both ...

    Do they have a story? As far as I know, the USA...

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