Recent content by FalkeEins

  1. FalkeEins

    Ju 88 L1+CK

    Défense Contre les Aéronefs - French term for flak, anti-aircraft
  2. FalkeEins

    Crashed JU 88 Found in Ukraine - Need Help to ID

    This thread title caught my eye - I've just started writing a piece on a Romanian AF Ju 88 A-4 bomber unit Grupul 6 - they flew from Ukrainian territory from mid-July 1943...
  3. FalkeEins

    Hermann Graf's Bf109G-6

    ... looks impressive... and a reasonably straight forward masking job presumably?
  4. FalkeEins

    A new book in my library.

    I try not to go here too often.. but I really wanted the new JG 77 title from Aerojournal - they didn't have it in stock yet so got it from the publisher's website.. I did go home with volume 6 of Mombeeck's JG 2 history and a few other nice looking books..
  5. FalkeEins

    Rene Francillion P-51/P-82 book series thoughts/opinions/info?

    I didn't know he had a two volume e-book series. Of course he did this big 430-page A-4 hardback..... but for French publisher Lela Presse. Fabulous book!
  6. FalkeEins

    Bf-109 books

    ..another German book, well worth getting. "Me 109 - Produktion und Einsatz" by Peter Schmoll A quick review and video presentation
  7. FalkeEins

    How well did the Germans make use of occupied France aero industry?

    ... the major point to note about French collaboration ( eg over 500 Caudron Goelands delivered) is that German industry was free to turn out thousands of fighters... and not worry about 'minor' types.
  8. FalkeEins

    Hartmann Bf 109G-14 Black Tulip....?

    .. Hartmann's Kommandeur machine has a 'grey' spider's web overspray that everyone seems to miss...pic at link below
  9. FalkeEins

    Searching for Novel about the German jet retreival in 1945-6 about 're-writing' the novel ..we could thrash out a plot on this thread
  10. FalkeEins

    Searching for Novel about the German jet retreival in 1945-6

    ..novel sounds like something John Clive might have concocted. He authored the KG 200 novel. But it wasn't. He also wrote 'The Last Liberator' - a captured B-24 flown out of Berlin with Bormann on board
  11. FalkeEins

    What are you doing today?

    .. its been a beautiful day here in South-East England so I did a day's work in the local vineyard.. bud-rubbing and installing shoot guards...
  12. FalkeEins

    Osprey Aviation Books: Which Ones Are Inaccurate?

    there are certainly one or two 'early' titles in the 'Aces' series that could usefully be 're-done' ....personally I'd be more interested in finding out what the sales figures were/are and why some titles are written and others never appear. I once asked French author editor/publisher CJ...
  13. FalkeEins

    A new book in my library.

    just arrived from Lela Presse ..and a new bookazine currently on UK news stands, Luftwaffe Fighters - Combat on all Fronts 2.
  14. FalkeEins

    Greg strikes again - Bf 109G-6 was so slow compared to P-51D

    ..ever read Bob Goebel's memoir 'Mustang Ace' ? All American fighter pilots could probably fly pretty well, this was certainly true for all P-51 pilots. Only relatively few fighter pilots could shoot as well as they could fly. I guess that's what you meant....
  15. FalkeEins

    Any authors here?

    ..admin getting a little heavy handed. We authors work hard to get our work out there - and you go and remove the links which some people might find very useful. Its not like we're spamming unrelated stuff. Don't worry, you won't get anymore heads-up exclusive stuff from me.