Bf-109 books

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Dec 25, 2023
Are there any new technical books (over the past 10 ish year) for the Bf109 variants? i have prein, wolowski,, green, goralczyk, so that kind of depth.
Are there any new technical books (over the past 10 ish year) for the Bf109 variants? i have prein, wolowski,, green, goralczyk, so that kind of depth.
I don't think the books that you mention are very technical.
You mention Prein, but I suspect you mean Jochen Prien & Peter Rodeicke, however even that book I would not really call technical either.

What exactly do you mean by "technical" and what exactly are you looking for?

Really technical books, or manuals, on the Bf 109 are usually in German. Several manuals can be found on this forum.

If you're not familiar with German language then your choice is limited.
You can find some technical details in books aimed at modellers, for example from 'Valiant Wings' (by Richard Franks) or 'Mushroom Model Publications' (by Robert Peczkowski) or 'SAM Publications' (by Lynn Ritger). 'Walk Around' booklets from 'Squadron Signal Publications' may also be of interest to you.

A new Bf 109 book by Lynn Ritger will be available sometime next year:
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I don't think the books that you mention are very technical.
You mention Prein, but I suspect you mean Jochen Prien & Peter Rodeicke, however even that book I would not really call technical either.

What exactly do you mean by "technical" and what exactly are you looking for?

Really technical books, or manuals, on the Bf 109 are usually in German. Several manuals can be found on this forum.

If you're not familiar with German language then your choice is limited.
You can find some technical details in books aimed at modellers, for example from 'Valiant Wings' (by Richard Franks) or 'Mushroom Model Publications' (by Robert Peczkowski) or 'SAM Publications' (by Lynn Ritger). 'Walk Around' booklets from 'Squadron Signal Publications' may also be of interest to you.

A new Bf 109 book by Lynn Ritger will be available sometime next year:
I am looking for what airframe/fittings changes over what batches on G-6's to K-4's, when and how many. These things i have found to be inconsistent in publications. Maybe someone nailed it over 10-odd years.
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I am looking for what airframe/fittings changes over what batches on G-6's to K-4's, when and how many. These things i have found to be inconsistent in publications. Maybe someone nailed it over 10-odd years.
That sort of detail is very difficult to tie down accurately. For sure, you can sort out the major changes but, authoritative confirmation with original documentative proof of the many detail changes or construction options is difficult. Unfortunately, the original manuals and spares lists do not cover everything, but I would say the original documents are essential. The next best source is photographic records but, that can be misleading! Finally, modern books. But don't be disheartened! Extensive personal research (and that does include critical reading of modern writings) does finally lead to a good understanding!
PS, I am also looking forward to Lynn Ritgers' new book.
Is this the kind of thing you are looking for? It's in Vogt's book...


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