Recent content by joebong

  1. J

    I'm Baaack

    Been away awhile, so hi again. Just caught a sight last week and thought I'd share it with y'all. While helping my boss fix his truck, a low flyer was banking just above me. When I look up, what do I see?, a J35 Drakken (pronounced drokken by the Sweedes). Seems there's a test pilot school at...
  2. J

    British Sailors seized by Iran.

    These rug weaving bad boys have caused enough trouble, all in the name of nuclear aspiration. I say the U.K/ U.S join together, to sponsor their fissile fetish. We send them a couple dozen warheads, via air delivery. They should get them in 10-20 minutes. Heh heh heh.
  3. J

    Worlds Greatest Percussionist/Drummer....

    Oops thought I had multiple votes, would have voted for Moon. Peart's fine but combined w/ Entwistle's bass,Kieth gave "Who" tunes more bottom than ANY rock Quartet, before or since. Also list suffers from the fallowing omissions, Gene Crupa (Hope I spelled that right .), Mitch Mitchell (Most...
  4. J

    What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

    Just saw 300, on a scale from1-3 I rate it a turd. First there's all these spartans with six packs and banana hammocks,this stinker had more packages than "fed-ex". Most if not all cogent facts about Thermopolae were discarded outright. Even the FX shots are goofed. In a bloody hand to...
  5. J

    i have a question about Bf 109s spinner cannon

    The only difference in spinner perf size is (As previously noted.) between E&F models. E models posessed this mod, in hope of a cannon never installed on this model. the reason for the size would seem to be, barrel cooling not caliber.
  6. J

    British Sailors seized by Iran.

    Hope "M.O.D" will not let this decay into a "Peublo like" fiasco. Godspeed to their safe return.
  7. J

    My figure kits

    Here a couple of kits I created and manufacture, I know its an aircraft forum, but soon I will have some aircraft conversions to ad to these. The first is a1/8th scale Micheal Wittman the other a 1/9th SS sapper.
  8. J

    Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

    Wow, forgive me if I repeat some things already said, this is an enormous thread and I didn't cover everything. At first I felt the190 wasn't at home at high altitudes, my ref says no 37,000' is pretty high. So I would put my hat in the Fw190A8 R2 camp. One thing worth mentioning is a film...
  9. J


    A small excerpt from a latrine at Moffat field U.S.A.F. Mei cong sailor sitten in the stern, thinks his sam pam doesn't burn, F*#@ing gooksll never learn. Napalm sticks to kids. V.C. huddled in a jungle pit, or a mother with baby at her tit, Dow chemical doesn't give a s$*. Napalm sticks to...
  10. J

    Greetings to All

    Maybe rrrr is the sound his fav Aircraft makes.
  11. J


    If its learning you want, you found it. Welcome.
  12. J

    Yo, my aircraft lovin daaaaawwwwgs...

    Born and raised in th L.A. underbelly, and I haven't any use for "dawg","shizzat", or "you feeling me?". Regardless welcome.
  13. J

    Hello All

    Welcome Hienz, enjoy the site.
  14. J

    When did you first become interested in Warbirds?

    My attempt at yuks, (See,8th A.F. one man out."stories") was firmly and sans fanfare halted, granted my humour is a tad off kilter. I respect this forum and those who contribute. At 47yrs I fancied myself a bit the sage at WWII aviation, but these guys are serious, huge stores of data...
  15. J

    Best Aircraft in Many Different Roles Part II

    Okay lets get one thing straight, I never said any thing to minimalize the achievements of the mosquito or Ju 88, I know these type were unequaled in their multi role accomplishments. My original thread even listed the Mossie, I do not think the PBY could out pluralize these machines, only...