Recent content by marshall

  1. marshall

    Swiss Fighter Evaluation Report Leaked, Rafale beat Typhoon

    I did a little bit more research on the topic and I think that in 2008 the Swiss tested the C/D version as 2008 would be quite early for the Gripen NG. Though future upgrades were also taken into account, the upgrades of Gripen NG had a low credibility factor that's why in the early report...
  2. marshall

    Swiss Fighter Evaluation Report Leaked, Rafale beat Typhoon

    I know what you mean, it was similar in Poland when F-16s were bought, some people thought why we need F-16 when we have MiG-29.
  3. marshall

    Swiss Fighter Evaluation Report Leaked, Rafale beat Typhoon

    I'm not an expert (unfortunately) so I can't explain this to you, but that's what the report says. The Swiss did some flight testing (Gripen, Rafale, Eurofighter, Swiss F-18 ) in 2008 or 2009 and later they evaluated proposals of upgrades from manufacturers to these aircraft and they...
  4. marshall

    Which was prettier Arrow or TSR 2

  5. marshall

    Swiss Fighter Evaluation Report Leaked, Rafale beat Typhoon

    It occurs that Switzerland wants to buy new fighter planes (Gripen) that will be inferior to theirs old fighter planes (F/A-18 ), interesting... What's also interesting is that how Rafale beat Typhoon. Link to the article: SonntagsZeitung |*Gripen: Sechsmal Note ungenügend and to the...
  6. marshall

    60 plus F16 with full combat load on runway.

    I think the North Koreans got the message.
  7. marshall

    100 Years of History, in 10 Minutes

    Interesting, though in my opinion it needs some more work, for example there is a part with Lewinsky scandal but there is no separate part with the end of the USSR, or there's no mention of holocaust in the parts about ww2.
  8. marshall

    Defeat of the Luftwaffe

    Your first link is "error 404". More about these events can be found here Bloody Sunday (1939) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I know it's only wiki but at least it shows both perspectives. I don't want to say that Poles didn't do anything wrong before or during or after the ww2 (becasue...
  9. marshall

    Defeat of the Luftwaffe

    I think I would be banned with you.
  10. marshall

    Defeat of the Luftwaffe

    Can you give some more details about it?
  11. marshall

    Alaska and P-38: were there any issues?

    So is it a myth that P-38 had a bad cockpit heater and that was one of the reasons P-38 didn't was as good as other fighters in the ETO? I remember reading in Wellum's "First Light" that when flying top cover (in Spitfires) they were literally freezing, so it seems the low temperatures were a...
  12. marshall

    Alaska and P-38: were there any issues?

    Have been wondering about it lately. All that talk that it's colder in Europe than in the Pacific region, but Aleutian Islands aren't very hot place.
  13. marshall

    Defeat of the Luftwaffe

    You forget about Jews and the biggest group Poles...
  14. marshall

    SR-71 Blackbird

    Have you seen this? SR-71 Online - SR-71 Flight Manual
  15. marshall

    Best all-round fighter of WWII

    Maybe because the thread title says "best all-round fighter" and in the poll question "best all-round dogfighter" so that can make some confusion.