Why did this adaptation fail while the FW190D succeeded? My understanding was the 'kangaroo pouch' turbosupercharger had too many problems so they dropped it and moved on to the D and Ta-152. But why didn't they go for a supercharger like they did with the 190D? Also why didn't they go for a...
What's the assessment of the Ju388? It was a high altitude multi-role aircraft with a wooden pannier to expand the bomb bay. Would it have been any good as a high altitude bomber?
What was the greatest altitude where combat between fighters took place. I know the RAF intercepted Ju86 PR planes at 40,000ft+ but that was a specially lightened Spitfire against a converted bomber. I am asking how high did regular combat take place between standard service models of...
How vulnerable were early model B-17s (C-Fs) in the Pacific when flying at 20-30K feet? While they may not be able to hit anything, when flying at top speed at altitude, couldn't they outrun Zeros? If so, they could be useful for reconnaissance and harassment.
At what point could we say that the VVS made its recovery from the disaster of 1941? It seems to me that the shift to the Mediterranean and the Stalingrad disaster finally gave the VVS the breathing room to stage a recovery and start to become the juggernaut of 1944-45; without that I don't...
The Type 327 was an updated version of the Type 324, which was proposed to the F.18/37 specification which led to the Typhoon.
The main difference between the Type 324 and Type 327 is that the former's 12 x 0.303" in the outer wing panels were replaced by 6 x 20mm cannon in the wing roots, as...
Hi all!
I was unable to find on the internet, as well as on any of my books, neither German official documents nor Allied test reports (at least one was captured and tested: see here) about performances of this variant. According to higher power output of its powerplant and its higher rated...
So perusing AAF documents on ww2aircraft performance.com I cannot find any mention of correcting for compress-ability in any of the documents for the AAF on the P-51. I am curious if anyone has any P-51D testing that indicates compressability was corrected, or if anyone knows whether or not it...