hi i am tinath64, my first name is nathan and i would like to know how many 500 lbs bombs you could fit in a b-17 bomb bay, i keep looking on internet but they all have different awnsers
pls post a reply of how much, it would be appreciated
Good Afternoon Everybody:
I'm getting ready to do a 1/48 Nine-O-Nine and I am trying to make it as accurate to the real one as possible, not the one flying right now (sorry Collings Foundation). I have found plenty of photos, some even in color, but there is still one area that eludes me, and...
Just a note of caution: When I do a build thread, I try to do more than just a show and tell, but give more information about techniques, challenges, goofs and solutions.
When living in our Bucks County, PA townhouse in the early 1980s, not having a basement required me to build models in our...
Seeking photos of 452nd BG, 728th BS B-17G 42-31338 "Hard To Get"
Delivered 1/1/44 Deopham Green, England, lost during mission to Brunswick 2/10/44, crashed near Kemmel, Belgium.
8th AF Mission #216, the fourth mission assigned to this group.
MACR 2045
Hi, friends! A bit ago I completed by first B-17 painting, which I'd done more-or-less for myself to combine with parts I had of B-17G Serial Number 44-85813. Here are the results of that project:
Shortly afterwards I was contacted by a very nice lady who asked me if I could somehow...
Hi, friends! After I did my XP-82 commission for Tom Reilly, he sent me a collection of aircraft parts from his past restoration projects, including an original duraluminum panel from the forward fuselage of B-17G 'Campaign Lady' (serial number 44-85813). That meant I had to produce a new...