
  1. SpaceX -- A Falcon has landed!

    That just happened! Pretty cool View:
  2. nuts but cool
  3. Russia's potential new lightweight fighter,kinda cool looking

    Russia Developing Fifth Generation Lightweight Fighter Jet | Air Force Aerospace News at DefenceTalk
  4. Thunderweasels!!!

    I didn't know these guys even existed - but it looks pretty cool! View:
  5. Cool little f16 video
  6. First Female F-35 pilot plus the video at the end is cool..

    Eglin Air Force Base Welcomes First Female F-35 Pilot |
  7. Saw this Chevy pickup on the way home.

    I only got one quick shot of, thougt it was cool, so I figured I'd share.
  8. Icon virgin no more!!!!

    Got my first group build icon posted. Gotta admit it looks kinda cool sitting there at the bottom of my posts. Cheers, Jeff
  9. Some cool Alaska ops pics.

    50 Totally Stunning Combat Aircraft Photos Taken Around Alaska
  10. IL-2: Battle of Stalingrad

    I don't whether to post this in this sub-forum, or in the other games sub-forum. Anyway, don't know if y'all have been keeping up with the latest IL-2 release, Battle of Stalingrad. It's a completely different/stand alone sim from IL-2: 1946, but it's pretty cool so far. Also, I figured...
  11. Cool video......

    View My Video
  12. A-350 formation "Diamond" "Echleon" and "Arrow"

    This is a cool video of some NICE flying !!! View:
  13. This actually looks's a Ca-plane

  14. Cool Veteran's story from the Bulge.

  15. Aussie nose art.

    As the title says, in this thread I'll post pictures of RAAF aircraft or RAF aircraft with Australian themed nose art from WWII. While not as elaborate as most American nose art, some are pretty damn cool :cool: enjoy.. Lancaster JB607, 460 sqn RAAF.
  16. History of the world in two minutes.

    This is pretty cool. Notre Histoire
  17. This would be cool to see off your wing..

    Commercial Jetliner Joined by Virgin Galactic
  18. 50th reunion of the 485th Bomb Group

    VERY cool!!!! :salute: World War II vets meet for final time