
  1. Aktion Reinhard

    Einsatz Reinhard" - code name for the extermination of Polish Jewry in the former Generalgouvernement and the Bialystok area, better known as "Aktion Reinhard"... Central Page
  2. The Struma Maritime Disaster of 1942

    One of the lesser known passenger ship sinkings. So sad on many levels. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/24/world/middleeast/david-stoliar-survivor-of-world-war-ii-disaster-dies-at-91.html?_r=1 " (The death of David Stoliar, in 2014, received little attention outside Oregon, where he lived. The...
  3. RIP Sir Nicholas Winton - a true hero

    I searched to see if this was posted, but couldn't find anything. If this is a dup, please delete What a great man he was. Kids today just don't understand the sacrifice and risk he took rescuing the Czech children. Sir Nicholas passed away on July 1, 2015 at the age of 106. His wiki page -...