In the 90’s I took part in the recovery of a JU88.
The aircraft had taken off from a base in Holland on the 6th May 1941 as part of a large attack against Glasgow and Greenock. At 02:00 on the 7th while approaching its target at between 10,000 and 12,000ft it was engaged by a Defiant...
After numerous researches, I tried to find if the ju-88 S-3 used GM1 operationally but I can't find anything. I bought a pack with some ju-88 manuals and came across those two informations :
1) In allgemeine Angaben of ju-88 A-4 (stand of march 1944) there is a table with ju 88 manuals and...
Hallo Gents,
I got a hold of some parts from ( I think ) JU 88 Schnellbomber. First one a ID tag.! Any of you know what plane is from? And the other parts- What are these for?
All help is appreciated
Starting with the basic design of the Ju88 in 1935, how would you optimize it for speed with a minimum of 900kg internal payload and 1000 mile minimum range?
Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ju-88, Ju-188, Ju-288, Ju-388, Ju-488, .... Ju-888...
Having looked at the specs of the two medium bombers, which was better the A-26 or Ju88?
Douglas A-26 Invader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hello People.
I'm building the 1/32 Revell JU88 and want to add the MDC Rato Packs to make the A2. I am having diffiuclty locating a reference showing the rato mounting point on the ju88. Can anyone assist?