
  1. T

    Gunther Seeger's Friedrich? - help needed please

    Hi all, I wonder whether anybody can help me to identify the aircraft (probably a Bf 109F-2) being flown by Gunther Seeger in Stab./JG2 during late July 1941, please? If it helps, he may have been flying as 'number two' to Walter Oesau during this period. The reason I am looking is that I...
  2. Torch

    Berlin July 1945

    Had relatives that survived there... View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5i9k7s9X_A
  3. Lucky13

    Happy Birthday good ol' US of A!

    Happy 4th of July guys!
  4. W

    Breakdown of Luftwaffe losses July 1940-June 1941

    https://books.google.com/books?id=0TchAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA124&lpg=PA124&dq=luftwaffe+losses+balkans+1941&source=bl&ots=E4dS6IqpYU&sig=oF2IrCT9nVb96HfZ8tJQAk_vTFM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4RDdVMvGH4iuyQTsrIDADw&ved=0CEgQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=luftwaffe%20losses%20balkans%201941&f=false David Stahel's book on...
  5. Vincenzo

    When became operational the first squadron with Halifax II, Wellington III...

    For our RAF experts When became operational the first squadron with Halifax II, Wellington III, Wellington IV, Hudson VI, Beaufort II, Liberator II? If can help i've the first squadron that get its Halifax II No.138 August '41 Wellington III No.9 July '41 Wellington IV Nos 300, 301, 458 August...