
  1. Snautzer01

    Mystery plane

    Too lazy to find it myself :-}
  2. P

    Mystery Instruments

    Hi Here are some Instruments I haven't been able to ID maybe someone recognizes them. Thanks in advance
  3. ccheese

    Mystery B-25 .... Mystery solved !

    Do you guys remember the B-25 "Mitchell" bomber that sat at Franklin Airport, in Franklin, Va. that I reported on quite a few years ago ? Well, I was in Franklin two weeks ago, and made it a point to stop at Franklin Airport. It was gone !! No one I talked to knew anything about it. I...
  4. comstockkidd

    Rogue P-47 Pilot dogfighting in S. America?

    I was sitting around thinking of a story I read in an Aviation History or Air Classics magazine a few years ago about an American pilot in a P-47 in some Central or S. American country getting in a dogfight in that or a neighboring country. I can't seem to find the article and was wondering if...