
  1. Polikarpov I-185 Manual

    Short technical manual for the Polikarpov I-185 with M-71 engine. Found on virtpilot.org
  2. Polikarpov I-153 M-62 manual Parts 1, 2 and 3

    Complete manual from 1940 for the Polikarpov I-153 with M-62 engine, divided in 3 parts. Parts 1 and 3 were found on Eknigi.org (Part 1, Part 3) Part 2 can also be found here. Contents : Part 1 : General and aerodynamic characteristics, balance diagram, handling notes for the pilot and weapon...
  3. What 9 cy. radial engined fighter did better in WW2?

    Reading some replies on the top 3 engines of 1940 thread i came out with this question i try to help with a list of 9 cylinders radial engined fighters, i hope have not miss many ;) PZL P.7 [Bristol Jupiter] (Polish Campaign '39) PZL P.11 [Bristol Mercury, polish, Gnome Rhone 9k rumenian]...
  4. Polikarpov I-15 Chato

    Este biplano fue, junto con el I-16, el mejor caza que tuvieron los republicanos. This biplane was, along with the I-16, the best fighter sent by the Soviets to the Republicans