
  1. 5 Years ago Today

    5 Years today since my Mum passed away.... A day and time I will always remember, not just for my mum, but for those forum members who rallied during that time with their Cherished support and wishes, Cards posted from all over the world...some gifts and this....for some of you to...
  2. Your democratic duty.

    It seems Planes of Fame are having to apply for a waiver to give rides in their WW2 aircraft. There is a webpage open for public submissions, go along and vote 'in favor' (if you so agree, if not, then b*gger off!) I think its pretty funny that I can vote in this, since I'm a New Zealand...
  3. 1/72 Academy P40-E Aleutian Tiger

    Hi all, Happy to say I have finished one in the midst of my inactivity at the bench. Standard OOB - panels filled in with lead pencil, light oil panel highlights, and some pastel work. Nothing too glamorous. If you were wondering.. Academy continues to support the rumors and claims of their...