1/48 Monogram He111 Collector Exhaust

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Oct 31, 2009
Hi all. I'm currently building the 1/48 Monogram He111 H-2 Stab/KG53 "Condor" (BoB) using the Aeromaster Decals and some parts from the Koster conversion kit. However I cannot find anywhere I can obtain the after market collector exhausts for this kit, which I also understand are possibly made by Koster or another. Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks for looking in.

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sorry, can't help....but I am building a H-22 with V-1

I'm following your thread at the moment and have to say it looks outstanding. I noticed your kit came with the exhausts I'm guessing thats because it's the ProModeler kit. I think I'm going to have to scratch build some if all else fails.

Thanks anyway.


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