110 Gallon Teardrop Shaped Drop Tanks

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Jul 17, 2014
Does anyone have any good drawings of the 110 gallon drop tank used in the Pacific on P-51's and P-47's?
Thanks but that's a 52 gallon tank.

I haven't managed to find any good drawings - I found a couple but they didn't have the shape right. Anyway working from pictures I've produced a rough drawing which should enable a 1/48th scale version to be produced.
Yes I am. I know Mike West does some but unfortunately he has a minimum order which means as I'm in the UK I would have to pay import duty and a handling fee on top of the shipping so they would work out very expensive.

The only other ones I know of are in the Monogram F-80 kit but hopefully there will be some new 1/48th scale ones soon

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