1942 gun camera mount

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Feb 4, 2016
Hi, i was wondering if anyone could shed some light about what this US Navy Aircraft gun camera mount might have been used on?
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Do not know what aircraft but it is a nice bit of equipment in excellent condition from the photos.
GSAP means gun sight aiming point so it probably goes with the AN-N6 GSAP camera. As far as I know that was the only one used at that time by the USN and USAAC/F.
Here are two articles from http://www.cameratopia.net/ covering the N6 and N6A cameras that I collected a couple of years back. Unfortunately the site appears to have died.


  • GSAP AN-N6 Walkaround.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 244
  • GSAP AN-N6A Walkaround.pdf
    702.3 KB · Views: 565
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