There are so many Encounter reoprts describing more than 600 rounds expended (i.e. more than 125 rpg for four guns) to shoot down a fighter that one has to wonder whether the exact same placement for the four gun battery would have resulted in a much faster kill. I suppose so, but by same token I suspect the number of 3 kill+ encounters would have also fallen off due to running out of ammo faster.
The question is if the 20mm could have achieved success more quickly.
Perhaps it was a case of pilots knowing they had plenty of ammo, and were less precise in their use than they might have been?
Post D-Day I wonder how much more effective 4 x 20mm (or 6x) would have been in a Jug for CAS than the 8x .50 cal.
I suppose it depends on targets. For tanks and armoured vehicles I suppose that the 20mm would be better, but for troops and unarmoured vehicles the 0.50 would have been more than adequate, and would give more rounds to use.