4.12 Development Updates

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1st Sergeant
A little reminder that work is still being done on future upgrades. 8)

Here is the link to the Daidalos Teams original thread.
4.12 development updates: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1sE7Ea_FdY
Standard Definition: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1sE7Ea_FdY

High Definition (720): View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1sE7Ea_FdY


Update May 18th, 2012

Today we are presenting an new feature for the AI, which will be included in patch 4.12. It will be possible to have AI taxi for take off on the airfield. This feature will work with spawning from stationary planes as well as with normal spawning. The mission builder has to set the route to the runway, and it works on any type of airfield. Below a video showing how it might look.

Taxi to take off
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FsifmxIa_8
Standard Definition: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FsifmxIa_8

High Definition (720): View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FsifmxIa_8


Update May 25th, 2012

Today's update show one of the smaller projects that will find their way into 4.12 - the repainted cockpit for the P-38. Cockpit updates are among the most frequent requests we are getting, so, here is one.

Click for full size pictures:
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Update May 31st, 2012

This week we'd like to announce that the Ki-45 Kai Hei and the Ki-45 Kai Tei, that have been added as AI planes in 4.11, will receive a cockpit and be flyable in 4.12.

The below screenshots show the cockpit, the gunner with the unique gun training mechanism of the Ki-45's rearward gun, a shot of what the big nasty 37mm cannon can do, and in case you're wondering what the second gunsight on top of the canopy frame is doing, a shot of the slanted guns installed in the Tei models fuselage as well as an idea of how to use them.

All screenshots are work in progress.

Click for full size pictures:
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v4.12 is looking pretty good to me already.

It is great to see Team Daidolos still plugging away and what remains to this day the best WW2 combat flight sim ever. The Ki-45 in particular is a vital addition. However, with the wide availability of SAS or HSFX modded versions of Il2, the official addons have fallen behind what mods provide, both respect to available flyable planes and things like maps, graphics, sound, effects, etc. Most of the planes that are made flyable in the official addons are already flyable in modded versions (although no question the Daidolos cockpits are far better). I will still maintain a "clean" updated version of Il-2 as long as Daidolos keeps the updates coming, but I ususally fire up a modded version when I really want to play.
I will be looking forward to this. But it is a tid bit of a shame that its being outperformed by the big mod packs, though that doesn't matter much! Gotta love Ultra Pack and Dark Blue World!
I can't wait for the AI taxing, it'll add quite a bit to immersion. I always felt it odd as sometimes in the campaign, aircraft would spawn in the center of the runway while I was strafing the field it.
I fell a little behind on the updates but the following posts will bring it up to date. 8)



Update July 13th, 2012 - Part 1
Source: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?p=444168#post444168

This week update will contain a bit more pictures, since the last update is already quite some time ago. It will be made in four parts.

Part 1:
We are happy to announce the often requested rework of the P-40E (and following) series - you know: the 'upward bent wings issue'.
In fact this is a completely new model, made from scratch by our member 'Macwan'. (note: all pictures are WIP shots!)

Click for full size pictures:
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Update July 13th, 2012 - Part 2
Source: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?p=444171#post444171

Part 2
Lets present a few more pics, to show the detail, that goes into such work.

And because this question may raise up: No - the old skins will not match anymore. The decision was made, because the old mapping was awfull. So this model got a full new mapping - no shared parts (like half of lower side mirrored) anymore.

Click for full size pictures:
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Update July 13th, 2012 - Part 3
Source: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?p=444172#post444172

Part 3
Additional to the two versions of the Ki-45 Kai (as AI) - released with 4.11 - you will get two further versions: Ki-45 Kai KO and Ki-45 Kai OTSU.

These two are earlier versions, easily recognizable by their shorter nose, which carries a central landing light.
All 4 plane types will be flyable in 4.12 naturally.

Click for full size pictures:
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Update July 13th, 2012 - Part 4
Source: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?p=444176#post444176

Part 4
Last but not least we look down to the surface. Here we have two new German submarines - the Type VIIB (made by 3rd party) and the Type IXB.

Further on as a new feature, the heavy Russian tanks T-28 and T-35 with their multi-turret layout will now be able to handle their turrets independently. This (multigun-)feature might be adopted to other units (bunkers, flak-turrets or similar) later.

Click for full size pictures:
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Update, September 30th, 2012
Source: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOfPJhmvu5Q
Standard Definition: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOfPJhmvu5Q

High Definition (720): View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOfPJhmvu5Q

The flyable Kate really caught my eye.


A funny video I found by checking out the Daidalos Team's YouTube channel showing some more of the Taxi to Takeoff features.
DaidalosTeam's YouTube Channel: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOdFLi1ixQQ
Standard Definition: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOdFLi1ixQQ

High Definition (720): View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOdFLi1ixQQ


All current now, I hope you enjoy the updates. 8)

I pretty much am. Actually I prefer offline anyway. I think all the mods and frequent updates of mods has meant that modded games don't always work on many servers. Also, from my end I've noticed that most servers use somewhat reduced effects to keep frame rates up for low and medium end computers. Me, I'd rather play an AI campaign offline with all the visual bells and whistles cranked to the max than play against other real people on dogfight servers that provide clear blue sky, no clouds, and limited ground detail.
Update, September 25th, 2012
Source: 4.12 development updates - Page 2 - Official 1C Company forum

It's been a while since the last update, but don't worry, we're still working. We're finalizing 4.12 contents, as some of the new contents is not complete as of yet. We've also compiled a second Alpha version, to allow us proper testing of the completed features.

One of the new technical features of 4.12 is the addition of Mach related drag as a global flight model change. At high speeds, the current model was inaccurate, drag being too low, allowing too high speeds in dives. This will be addressed now, and will effect all aircraft with individual characteristics for each aircraft. Since a picture says more than a thousand words, we've attached a chart showing the differences you can expect to see.

Speaking of flight models, we'd also like to take the opportunity to announce that several planes will receive reworked flight models, most notably the P-36, P-40, B5N and SB2. In past we've received many questions regarding flight model changes, so this time we've prepared a small document to give a little insight into the flight model making process.

Just to remind you, all this still is WIP.



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