63 Fighter Squadron plane

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Oct 26, 2024
Who knows which aircraft this is from 63 Fighter Squadron, here the aircraft is in Utrecht at a scrapyard with a Flemish worker?

Thunderbolt met de Bult.jpg
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Welcome to the site. The aircraft it is a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. The version was called "Razor-back".

PS. Please use the English. This is the international forum and we use the language as our basic one.
If you enter "P-47 & 63" in the appropriate fields you will get a list of possibilities.
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Looking at the damadge i think this is survivable.
So i would exclude the kia.

has the crash place between Son and Breugel wich is 20 min by car
If all my asumptions are right i think this could be the second loss. And the p47 on this picture.


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