73-14308-4 search

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May 12, 2008
I m trying to identify a plane who fall in ITALY at the end of 1943 close to MONTECASSINO (at 40km west).
The only element element I have is that it was a single engine fighter plane
I have 2 pieces of the body were I could find theese references :
73-14308-4 whithin letter of 4mm high
just beside another reference in a circle where I can read . 943
and another circle where I can read HT 20
Could somebody help me to identify this plane, or the way to identify It.
The pilot has been saved during 7 months by my grandfather till the US army passed over Montecassino.
Here attached , some pictures of the fuselage pieces

Who can help to identify the fighter plane , P40 , SPITFIRE, A36


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I took a picture enlarged to see the reference but they are in the same main piece , the piece on the right in the main picture.

I join also a picture of the motor "axe cam", I m trying to find out which type of motor it comes from Merlin which type ? Allison which type.

Any information would be precious and thank you for helping.


  • ITALIE 05 2008 010_edited.jpg
    ITALIE 05 2008 010_edited.jpg
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  • ITALIE 05 2008 011_edited.jpg
    ITALIE 05 2008 011_edited.jpg
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Thanks Tiptop - I now have some information for you. If you notice "943" stamp, above the 9 there is the letter "A." That is part of a North American Aviation stamp from what I can determine. The HT 20 is a heat treat stamp and it also matches a North American Aircraft format. The part number has me thrown off a little but I believe it's from an early P-51 (A-36) or B-25. Based on finding the camshaft however I'd guess it is not a B-25. I'll try to identify the cam shaft for you if one of our other members beats me to it. Based on the time and place of your find I'd guess it's an A-36.

Here's what I believe the full stampt to look like.

Just a complete guess from me but could the '73' of the serial number refer to NA-73 and be the type number?
Thank you very muich for helping me

For the cam shaft, my picture shows :
1 support
2 cams with different angle

1 support
2 cams with different angle

In the picture of the ALLison and also the merlin, i have also some picture not so beautifull and they show :
2 supports on each side of the 2 cams

The is why I m not sure it's such a motor

I was looking a picture of the Merlin 45 which équiped SPit mark V

For the circle with the reference, did see the same circle on other planes or currently its the North american fashion ?

IT could be an A-36 , because the 27th FS was équiped with
It's sure it's not a B25 , because it was a single engine fighter plane
I don't really beleave it's a P51, the brend new with a modern look, some people could remember
Just a complete guess from me but could the '73' of the serial number refer to NA-73 and be the type number?
The first digits were usually given to a production segment or section of the airframe. Most P-51/ A-36 prefix numbers were higher, but there were always exceptions to this rule.
For the circle with the reference, did see the same circle on other planes or currently its the North american fashion ?
This was a typical NAA stamp used in their production line. There were also stamps specific to the aircraft program but that stamp seems to be the standard stamp from what I see.
Very great FLYBOYJ, thank a lot for all these specific informations

Her is the short list of MACR concerning the possible A36 in the area :
42 8393? 10sept43 MACR703 27FG
42 83818 12sept43 MACR764 86FG
42 84041 13sept43 MACR710 27FG
42 83990 13sept43 MACR713 27FG
42 83??1 18sept43 MACR766 86FG
42 83??? 18sept43 MACR765 86FG
42 83910 19sept43 MACR763 86FG
42 84051 19sept43 MACR709 27FG
42 840?? 19sept43 MACR708 27FG
42 83?36 19sept43 MACR711 27FG
42 83995 25sept43 MACR762 86FG
42 83976 27sept43 MACR966 86FG
42 84145 2oct43 MACR994 27FG
42 83864 5oct43 MACR970 27FG may be moved in north Africa
42 84020 971 idem
42 84014 idem
42 84010 967 idem
42 83864 972 idem
42 83849 1062 idem
42 84124 1196 idem
42 83940 4dec43 MACR1340 528FG
42 84060 5dec43 MACR1472 27FG may be returned from Africa
42 84078 9dec43 MACR1479 86FG

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