A day to be remembered or forgotten?

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Airman 1st Class
May 14, 2013
Last Monday completed 74 years the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, one of the most painful days of American History. I share with you here a link that brings a collection of dramatic photos, many of them rare, showing the devastation caused by the attack on the airfields of the island. Visit the link below and answer the title question.

Aviação em Floripa: O Dia da Infâmia em Fotos

Best Regards!
I cant click on the link because my internet security would go nuts if I tried. What is the question and why does this forum let this click bait merchant keep on infesting the place with malware.
I think it was described as a day that will "live in infamy", I see no reason to argue the matter with a US President.
I wonder how folks would have reacted back then to a plane or two or three being hijacked and flown into the Empire State Bldg and the Pentagon.

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