A fun WWII what if...

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Ahh, but IF the P-40 would have been that good of a performer, would the Mustang even have existed? Or at least in way we know it now? Possibly the British would not have been interested in a better design by North American.
N.A. was a smart company, and performance aside someone would have wanted a fighter with RANGE. And no P-40 would ever have that. They believed they knew a thing or two about drag that other people didn't, and offensive range would be a selling point no matter how fast or high the P-40 flew.
How about this scenario?

An Allison coupled to the completely variable German Bf 109 supercharger with automatic baromatic control. A lot cheaper than the complicated twin stage sytem or the large turbo and 100% efficient.
How about this scenario?

An Allison coupled to the completely variable German Bf 109 supercharger with automatic baromatic control. A lot cheaper than the complicated twin stage sytem or the large turbo and 100% efficient.
assuming some genius in ameica could develop one or the brits sent us one captured in the BoB, sure,
My suggestion was to keep things simple. What Allison (with hindsight) should have done, was to develop a proper single speed (or two speed) supercharger themselves instead of waiting for the one given to them by the appropriate government organisation.

Two stage systems didn't exist in the early war years and a turbo might simply not fit in the P-40.
When did the Spitfire first get one?
I don't lay any blame on Allison. Allison made what the Air Corps wanted .(funded). I believe the Air Corps dictated low to medium altitude performance, thus a single stage integral supercharger on the base Allison. To get performance at altitude, they wanted the Turbo, which did work well too. But they gutted the Turbo installation from the Airacobra and I believe the Warhawk too. At the times these aircraft were designed / delivered, the Air Corps still believed the Heavy bomber needed no escort. They fought through that belief all the way into 1942 if I recall.
One complaint I have about the P-40, it was SO heavy. It took off at about 4 tons and I have to wonder if some savings couldn't have been made.
One complaint I have about the P-40, it was SO heavy. It took off at about 4 tons and I have to wonder if some savings couldn't have been made.
they did try very hard with the P-40N but even that coupled with stripping out two guns (down to four) only gave it a top speed of 380mph.

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