A new book in my library.

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It appears that Japanese ASW aircraft are a popular topic here. So far I'm very pleased with the volume. I would have liked to have seen more on the operational use and tactics. However, the coverage of the Army ASW along with the associated ships is an unexpected bonus. The description of the ordnance will make the modelers happy (discusses colors) along with some very nice cockpit illustrations. One nice little tidbit is a description of a Japanese amphibious warfare ship that makes it sound like the worlds first LPD (Albeit with fixed wing aircraft.).
Technical descriptions and operational use of the aircraft appear to be excellent.
The TSR2 volume is my 3rd book on the aircraft. And while it looks okay, I suspect the Crowood edition will be in my future.
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I do my own distrubution. Depending on sales perhaps in the future available in bookshops. But for now available by personal order only.
Not sure if it's against forum regulations...and if so I will remove this post. Prices: $17,50 dollar and £13,50 without shipping. Book weighs in at 265gr. so I guess the shipping will not be that much. Just give me a PM if interested.
Came in the mail today from overseas, man I need to catch up on a bunch of reading. Glad winter is coming so I can hibernate and read.


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