A new book in my library.

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Is this a great Christmas Or what???
Both are good reads, hope you enjoy 'em
Here's the stuff I got for Christmas + something I brought a few days ago. I think it's kind of funny I now own two copies of the Commie Manifesto
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View attachment 700037

Interested to learn more about the book "Wellington in the Peninsula." I'm always on the lookout for books on the Peninsula War but most don't cover the areas that interest me: the siege of Cadiz, battle of Vitoria, and the siege of San Sebastián.
On my trips to my old home town of Columbia SC I have noted an intriguing used bookstore in an older building on US 1, atop a hill overlooking the river. Its windows all but bulged with books. This time it had a "Yearly Sale" sign out front so I decided to stop in.

I purchased these two books. at 20% off the originally marked price, the total bill coming to $35 including sales tax.. I read Alan Carey's book on VPB-109 and it inspired an article I wrote on two of the unit's PB4Y-2's being engaged by twelve George II fighters, a combat that a friend of mine participated in. Of course, Jimmy Flatley is familiar name but I am looking forward to more details of his combat experiences.


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