A Winjeel for my Aussie friends

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
I took some shots of this one taking off after the Riverside show and had no idea what it was. After doing a little reading, I found out it is a Commonwealth Winjeel. It is likely the only one in North America. The paint scheme in historically incorrect, from what I understand, but it's still pretty cool that an indigenous Australian plane ends up all the way here in the states.


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Wow, great site!

That Winjeel has been showing up all kinds of places. I snapped off those shots while walking out of the show. It looks unusual and interesting, so I took a few shots. It was at Chino a couple of weeks back. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of it. Now to get in touch with the owner for some air-to-air and maybe an article....

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